Endlings Campaign

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Player Info

The Map

Our great civilization, divided into glittering kingdoms of light, life, and magic, once covered the planet. We reached out in or our glory and our strength to spread stars of our own across the sky, but we reached too far, too fast, until the humans, elves, dwarves, and gnomes called the Endlings. They came, and they plucked the stars from the sky.

While the others died by their folly, we fled by sea, by air, by land, and into the depths of the earth. The Endlings hunted us always and they hunt us to this day.

Now we live in our last places of safety within the Granite Kingdom under the kind rule of our great queen, Laria Trutich. We have reached a point of self sufficency and even saftey, so now we expand slowly, carefully, into new places of refuge so that civilization shall never vanish from our world.

We survive by these rules.
1) Make no fire of smoke
2) Make no great noises of industry or civilization
3) Make no bright magics in the sky or the sea
4) Lead no Endling to our places of safety
5) Respect the queen, for she protects us all and by her grace shall we some day retake the world for our children

Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, and Elves, are rare. There is some stigma around them being the callers of the Endlings, it is generally agreed they paid the price for their folly and are now looked at with pity more than anger. All ancestries are open, just be aware those are treated less well and are quite rare.

The Endlings came outside the lifetimes of almost everyone (hundreds of years ago) and you each grew up in the Stone Kingdom, which consists of 3 cities. You will be starting the campaign in the capital as you prepare to travel to the newest city.

The capital Enduria is the oldest and largest of cities, surrounded by mountains and with a source of fresh water that flows near the city. The captial has kept it's people safe throughout the cold nights and dangerous days. Still, it is crowded and unable to safely grow further.

SteelHelm is less than a decade old and half the size of the capital, but is growing quickly. Many craftspeople moved there when it was founded and are now among the richest and most powerful citizens in the kingdom. This has made the prospect of a new city extremely exciting to those with a chance to go to the frontier.

Hope Rock is the newest refuge and is very much a frontier city. Many people plan to move there to escape the crowding and to find their fortunes setting up shops and commerce for those who follow.

Travel between cities is highly regulated and dangerous, and hardly anyone leaves the safety of the cities. Those who do leave in search of adventure, relics, or a new place to live, are rarely heard from again. Still, stories of fantastic treasures left in the cities of the ancients spread just often enough to tempt the young and foolhardy.

We will be using the free archtype system (just like in Taylor's game). The Stone Kingdom also uses a guild system and each guild will offer a few archtype options (the archtypes are still available outside the guilds, its just that certain archtypes imply membership in certain guilds) and some hidden archtypes will become available depending on your choices, as well as some can appear as curses or through mishaps. (Like Ghoul or Vampire archetypes)

I have a couple of questions that I am asking publicly so we can all see what each other are interested in, and I will have some follow up questions for each of you that focus more on your motivations and backstory. Any answer is okay. knowing the answers just helps me plan better on what you will all be interested in.

The campaign will have a scavenger aspect to it as you explore the wilderness and seek out interesting goodies from the lost civilization that came before. Expect ruined cities, underground complexes, and even high tech magical interactions.

1) Do you plan to craft things yourself? Items, Magical Items, Tattoos, Alchemy? Just repairs? Or just run with whatever loot you discover?

2) What are your thoughts on an Ancestry you are leaning towards? (giving me 2 possibilities is okay and I can give you more details to help you choose)

3) Do you have any idea of what class you plan to play? (again, 2 possibilities are okay and I can give more details if it will help you choose)

4) Do you plan to have any focus on healing? This can be through alchemy or through magic. I have a few ideas to cover this no matter how the group is put together.

5) Please rate the following from 1-10 with 1 being uninterested and 10 being highly interested

  • Mystery: What really happened the night the Endlings plucked the stars from the sky? What are the Endlings? What do they want?
  • Intrigue: People are being lied to by someone, you want to know the truth, who is lying, and most importantly, WHY?
  • Adventure: (Indiana Jones, Alan Quartermain, fast paced runs through dangerous environments)
  • Combat Strategy: (I plan to use interesting terrain and creature abilities to reward player tricks and planning)
  • Lost Secrets: (Lost City type movies)
  • Fighting Kaiju: (think Pacific Rim, Godzillaverse, Gamera)
  • Saving the World: (Will your actions affect you and your close friends, or potentially everyone everywhere?)
  • Survival in the wild: (Do you prefer a home base to retreat to, or roughing it with tents and campfires?
  • Exploring destroyed cities and finding weird technology: (Think Miyazaki movies, weird, surreal)
  • Studying lost magics: The old world once held great and terrible power that shook the planet. You want to poke it!